Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Desert in the Blog World....

Where is everyone these days? This poor blog is so neglected! "No one writes!" ;-) I am trying to think of some interactive thing that we might do to make the blog world more exciting. I have a couple ideas. Do any of you have any ideas?

I am also considering opening my blog up to the public. I haven't checked with my dad yet because I am still thinking about it. What do you think? If I opened it up, then you could get it in your followers feed and know when I posted... and more people would be able to visit who don't know how to set up a google account... And maybe people who were searching for God might stumble upon my blog and be encouraged to seek Him, or believers may be encouraged in Him! The problem is, it wouldn't be so much of a close community where everyone knows each other or gets to know each other via the blog. I'd have to be especially diligent at moderating comments, and also careful that I don't post a lot of personal information.

What do you think?


Gaby said...

The blog world is getting a little dull... I am trying to find more time to make my blog a little more interesting.

Opening your blog up the the public might be a good idea! :) It would be up to you though. What you feel comfortable with (and what your father says).

Love from a very busy writing friend,

Amanda said...

Go for it, and yes, Blogger is very dull these days. :P