Monday, July 5, 2010

Prayer and Victory

"And they cried to the Lord and...God defeated Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah." (2 Chronicles 13:14b, 15b)

"And Asa cried to the Lord his the Lord defeated the Ethiopians before Asa and before Judah." (2 Chronicles 14:11a, 12a)

"Victory," said Eric Liddell, "over all the circumstances comes not by might, nor by power, but by a practical confidence in God and by allowing His Spirit to dwell in our hearts and control our actions and emotions."

The more I think of it, the more I realize I cannot have victory over satan and over the flesh apart from a whole-hearted calling upon God for help. You see, I'm no match for the devil in and of myself.  He is powerful (though not all-powerful), and I am very weak indeed.  But God is all-powerful, reigning over all things and controlling the events of life.  He alone brings victory in the battles of the spirit and the soul.  If I try to win these battles myself, I will fall miserably, and the enemy will laugh over me at my defeat.  However, the moment I turn to God and call on His Name and trust that He is the Victor, God will hear and act, and the enemy will flee.

I have been finding that, especially in my struggle to rise above this world in my spirit and to know God, prayer is the key to victory.  I cannot know God except by prayer, after and during which He reveals Himself to me in His Word and other ways.  Prayer is communing with God, and by this communion I draw near to the heart of God who made me for His glory, for that relationship.

Over the years, the Lord has given me several people that stand as "role models" and "heroes" to me-- from friends like Mrs. Maurer and Mrs. Vrotsos to Christians of the past like Amy Carmichael and Eric Liddell.  ♥  These people inspire me.  They are so close to God; their hearts are so closely knit to the Father; their very existence radiates the Holy Spirit who is dwelling in their hearts.  I want so much to be like them!  And as I consider these people and their lives, I see that they are the way they are, they are close to the Lord, by constant repairing unto the Lord, seeking His face, asking for His guidance and intervention in every aspect of life... they draw nigh to God day by day, moment by moment, and God draws near to them. It is as God promised-- "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."  "Come unto me...and I will give you rest."   "If you seek Him, He will be found by you."  These people who are role models to me have done just that, and God has fulfilled His promise.  That is why their lives are so beautiful.  And that is why mine can be too.

Do you want so much to be close to God?  Then pray, and seek His face.  Do you really want to see Him work?  Then pray, and seek His face.  Do you truly want victory in your spiritual life?  Then pray, and seek His face.  Prayer is our duty and our part.  God will take care of things from there.