Friday, February 6, 2009

Quotes on God's Infinitude

"[Lady Julian of Norwich] said about the Trinity: 'Suddenly the Trinity filled my heart with joy. And I understood that so it shall be in heaven without end.' This is a step up from the utilitarian heaven that most people want to go to, where they'll have everything right-- a split-level home, two cars and a fountain, a swimming pool and golden streets. Lady Julian saw that heaven will be heaven because the Trinity will fill our hearts with 'joy without end,' for the Trinity is God adn God is the Trinity. The Trinity is our Maker and Keeper, and the Trinity is our everlasting love and everlasting joy and bliss."

"The Church will come out of her doldurms when we find out that salvation is not a light bulb only, that it is not an insurance policy against hell only, but that it is a gateway into God and that God is all that we would have and can desire."

"God, to be God, must be infinite in all that He is. He must have no bound and no limit, no stopping place, no point beyond which He can't go. When you think of God or anything about God you'll have to think infinitely about God."

"We ought to stop thinking like scientists and think like psalmists."

-Qutoes from The Attributes of God by A. W. Tozer, Chapter 1: God's Infinitude

1 comment:

Teddy said...

Ooo! Mel dear, so sorry, but I've only just been able to read your post and had the time to comprehend it. :( BUT, it was very good and thanks for sharing it! I'm going to have to get some of Tozer's books, all the quotes I hear of his are so PROFOUND!
Wa-ha-ha! I miss you! Hurry up and come home!