I thought I would start "advertising" for the blogs that have been an enjoyment and/or spiritual encouragement to me, so that you might enjoy them as well! :-) I am not sure how often I will post these; perhaps one a week. That'll take me a while, as I follow many blogs. :-)
Today I will begin with:
Quest for Contentment
Quest for Contentment is a blog created by two young ladies, Brittany and Jordan, to encourage young ladies towards contentment in singleness and in whatever situation the Lord has put them. These girls, both members of Park Meadows Baptist Church in Lincoln, IL, truly show hearts that are sold out to the Lord in a way that I am longing and striving to be.
At the top of their sidebar is the verse, "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content" (Phil. 4:11). Indeed, this verse reflects the many encouraging and well-written articles shared on this blog. Recently they posted an article written by Jeanna G. (daughter of Dr. S. M. Davis from Solve Family Problems); this article shared ways to pursue contentment during the holidays. Another recent post was a poem entitled "Wait", in which the anonymous author questions why God is having her wait, and God answers that the purpose of waiting is that we might draw closer to Him and learn to find fulfillment in Him. In November, they featured a Bible memory contest, assigning Bible verses focusing on contentment, resting, and joy in Christ.
I highly encourage you to swing over to Quest for Contentment and take a few moments to read what they have to share. I guarantee that you will be encouraged and blessed!
I love Brittany and Jordan's blog!! Good idea to advertise these blogs.
Thanks, I'll have to check them out!
Mmm, sounds good. I'll have to click over there! Thanks for the link! :)
Luv me
Thank you; I will have to look at that one!
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