Monday, January 18, 2010

To Know God's Will

Lately I have been thinking very much about what I am going to do when I graduate. I am so full of so many plans, but they are all different, and I want to know what God's plans for me are so that I can follow them! Then there is the question: How do I even know God's will? How can I see what are the desires of my heart and flesh or the desires He has put in my heart?

"The desires of your heart" is a phrase from Psalm 37. Remembering that the other night, I decided to turn to that psalm. Then I realized that God tells us how there. He tells us in very distinct steps.

  • Trust in the Lord-- Take your hands off the steering wheel and let Him drive.
  • Do good-- Don't worry about what you don't know; obey what you do know.
  • Delight thyself in the Lord-- Don't look for contentment in anything/anyone else.
  • Commit thy way unto the Lord-- Let Him direct your path; give it to Him and let Him lead.
  • Trust also in Him-- Again, take your hands off the steering wheel and let Him drive. How many times does He need to tell us before we actually believe it enough to obey it??
  • Rest in the Lord-- Don't be agitated and fretful; rest!
  • Wait patiently for Him-- Know that God will work out His will in His perfect timing!
  • Fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way-- Stop worrying about other people. Keep moving forward with God.
Not surprisingly, we read only a few verses later, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighted in his way (or, 'when he delights in His way')." We need to continue to look to God, search His word, and keep open ears and willing hearts. It's not our business to know all that God has planned for us, but to obey His will in each incident as it comes and to trust Him that He knows what He's doing.

So what is God's plan for me? Working overseas with a children's ministry? Staying at home and serving wherever the opportunity arises, such as staying with Hadleys for a week here and there, or helping teach the Byers kids? Getting married? (Please, Lord, not yet! :-P ) Launching into full-time writing? I may not need to know just now; but I do need to continue to trust, do good, delight, commit, rest, and wait... God will lead! And if I keep my eyes on Him and keep following Him, He will lead me to the right place and situation! Thank you, Lord!

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