Monday, January 31, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 23
Sunday, January 30, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 22
First, allow me to apologize for my lack of posts this week. I asked for prayer about my oral surgery and failed to give you all an update on that. Please forgive me! The surgery went well and I had no complications, except a brief panic afterwards where my blood pressure plummeted and they had to put me on oxygen for a couple minutes... after that, I was fine. I enjoyed lots of rest the first couple days, watched movies and read books and just relaxed. The last couple days, the swelling has pretty much gone away and I can finally smile regular now, and I'm beginning to chew my food now (though no chips or steak :-) ). Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes this last week; I have been so blessed by the kind notes I've received!
Now for the blog challenge. A website. :-)
My mamma just started up this blog last week to catalogue her collection of pictures, newspaper articles, and documents she's gotten in her genealogy studies. The family history is really quite interesting. Mommy's most recent posts are about her great-grandparents who were settlers in North Dakota and Saskatchewan! Anyway, she has been posting pictures and other things she's found over the years, and I thought some of my friends interested in history might enjoy looking at them! I am! :-) Here's a sneak peak of her pictures--North Dakota homestead!
I'm sorry my post was not more detailed; I was going to share more websites of various topics but somehow it didn't save when I left my computer, and it's late now and I need to head to bed. :-P
Sunday, January 23, 2011
30-Day Challenge Postponed ~ News
We now interrupt this program for a little prayer request and a little rest. :-)
I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow! Mm-hm. *smiles real big* Don't I sound excited?
I'm actually very nervous. Very. :-/ Not so much about the surgery but not being myself afterwards. :-S So if you could all pray, not only that it would go well but also that I would trust the Lord and rest in Him and not be afraid, that would be wonderful!
I had been planning on writing several days' worth of posts in advance and scheduling them to post on their respective days, but I couldn't think of what to write, and so I just decided to postpone the whole thing until next Sunday. That doesn't mean I won't posting at all this week (it might mean that, but not definitely ;-) ) but the blog challenge is put off for a week.
Thank you so much!
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)
Saturday, January 22, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 21
Amanda says I deal from the bottom of a deck of cards, not from the top.... I didn't know that was different from other people until she mentioned it. :-)
I also pour the cream before the coffee... most people I know pour the coffee in first and then the cream. :-)
I can't make it through a movie without critiquing on the style or historical accuracy of the costumes and planning to make a re-make of at least one gown in the film. I suppose other historical costumers do that, but not most people in general. :-)
What about you? Did I miss anything? ;-)
Friday, January 21, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 20
Sewing doll clothes....
Sewing historical costumes...
What are some of your hobbies?
30-Day Challenge, Day 19
Well, it seems kind of self-centered to write about a talent of mine. :-P But then, talents are gifts given by God, and everyone has talents to do different things for God's glory.
God has given me a desire to, and ability to, write, particularly to write novels. I think he's given me that ability to write effectively (several people have told me something I wrote made them cry ;-) ) so my desire is to use my writing to change people-- to point them to the Saviour. After all, since God gave the talent to me in a first place, it only makes sense to use it for His glory! I also strive to use my writing to encourage people, through blog posts, emails, letters, and Facebook statuses. There are so many hurting people who just need an encouraging word and I hope the Lord might use me to do that in my writing.
Now, by reading this post, you probably think I don't actually have a talent for writing because that was very, very short. But it's kind of awkward to write about oneself. ;-) You can read more about my writing by clicking the tag on this post, "books I am writing". :-)
30-Day Challenge, Day 18
This one kind of makes me chuckle because it sounds like the person doing the challenge must be old, tired, and decrepit. ;-) Though I have to admit, the last couple days I've felt very tired. But that's because I stayed up too late at night. ;-)
Anyway, this category is slowing me down and making me get behind on the challenge, and I have several posts to write before Monday because I'm having oral surgery on Monday and won't be feeling like writing for a couple days after that, so.... I'll just skip this one for now and come back to it later .;-)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 17
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 16
Good grief. I didn't even have to think about that one.
Probably the song that makes me cry the most is "When Somebody Loved Me" from Toy Story 2. When I watched that song on Youtube, it left me depressed for the rest of the day.
Watch at your own risk.
But that was just a "bad" kind of cry. There are plenty of songs that make me cry a "good" kind of cry. :-)
The one--or some-- that comes to mind first is actually the whole CD, So High the Price, by the Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team. The first several times I listened to it, it brought tears to my eyes with each and every song. The theme of the whole CD is Christ's sacrifice for us. When I listen to the songs, my heart is filled with awe as I consider my sinfulness and God's love and Christ's sacrifice for me and the glory of His resurrection... I nearly always get a lump in my throat now when I hear the triumphant words in one of the numbers, "Death is dead! Love has won! Christ has conquered!" Then the words of another song on the CD... "I was blinded by my sin/ Had no ears to hear Your voice/ Did not know Your love within/ Had no taste for heaven’s joys/ Then Your Spirit gave me life/ Opened up Your Word to me/ Through the gospel of Your Son/ Gave me endless hope and peace" ....
Here is another lovely selection from that CD:
30-Day Challenge, Day 15
P.S. I'm afraid I've really slacked off on this challenge. It's been a super busy week... we had church and company on Sunday, a friend over on Monday from 1:00 to 9:00 ;-), and dentist appointments and shopping today, PLUS two sewing orders. So yeah, busy. :-)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 14
Well, first, here's the vacation I would like to take RIGHT NOW.
Friday, January 14, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 13
A what? Would that mean something I enjoy but feel guilty about?
I'd have to think about it.... Would getting a $3.50 cup of Starbucks flavored coffee every once and a while be considered a guilty pleasure?
30-Day Challenge, Day 12
I'm afraid I failed to do this one yesterday, for the overall reason that I don't know what I want played at my wedding because I really don't think much about my wedding. I think I know who I'd like to sing at my wedding, but besides that, I'm not sure.
I thought it would be lovely to walk up the aisle (or back down) to a Jane Austen soundtrack piece. "Hole in the Wall" would be a lovely processional (it was for some friends of ours). The main theme of Pride and Prejudice (1995) or the end credits piece of Emma would make delicious, exciting recessionals. As for a song to be sung? I don't know. I'm not much into love songs right now, not being in love myself, so I haven't thought much about that. Steven Curtis Chapman's song "Speechless" would be nice, even though it isn't a love song as in, love between a man and a woman, but it is about the greater, more amazing love of God for us. And the person I want to sing at my wedding would sound amazing doing that song, if I could convince him to. But then, that's a couple years away at least, so I don't have to worry about it yet.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 11
That was a pretty easy post.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 10
Oh dear! We've got heaps of those and I am absolutely addicted to "old" photos. Anyway, here are some, because I did not take time to scan more, and besides, most of you probably wouldn't be as interested in them as I am. :-)
I LOVE pictures from when my sisters and I were little!! :-D :-D :-D
Monday, January 10, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 9
Sunday, January 9, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 8
To a Very Special Friend:
It seems strange to write a letter to you for all the world to see, though I do it often enough when it's just you and me to read it. But I couldn't really think of who else to write a letter to. I suppose almost everyone that comes into our lives changes us in some way, which makes it harder to decide who to write this publicized letter to, especially as if I featured one person in particular, the others who have meant just as much to me might feel hurt and left out. However, you've made such an impact on the lives of so many of my friends that I am confident they feel the same as I do and will not feel left out in the least. :-)
Anyway, there really isn't anybody more deserving of a public "thank you" than you! You've known me all my life... even before I could see clearly or distinguish one word from another, and what's more, you've loved me. To this day, I'm not sure why you did, or why you still do... after all I've done to hurt you and disobey you! The fact that you keep loving me through all that fills my heart with amazement. When I complained about the food you put before me, you could have taken it all away, but you continued to give me food to help me live and grow. When I fought over toys with my little sister out of pride and selfishness in my heart, you could have thrown your hands up in the air and left me alone to have my way and hurt others, but instead you lovingly disciplined me and taught me what selflessness and humility and true love are. When life took its terrifying turns and I found people or things I loved falling from my grasp and I kicked against what you were doing, you could have cast me off as a hopeless case, but instead, you showed me that through it you were always there for me, you would help me through whatever the situation was, and that all I needed, in reality, was you.
And oh-- you remember those times when I got so depressed? Those awful times (and not all that seldom either) when satan was really after me, telling me life was pointless, that I was worthless, that I could never be good, that I might as well not exist? Ohhh, dearest friend, you were so wonderful in those moments. When I felt like I was in despair, you whispered to me, "Let me help you," and I feebly called out your name and asked for some ray of light. You could have ignored my cry because you knew my lack of faith, but instead you spoke in your beautiful, authoritative voice-- you bid satan be gone, and then you wrapped your arms around me and whispered, "Peace, be still." Each time that has happened, it has made me love you even more, because in those times I see your strength and your authority to rebuke those demonic forces that surround the walls of my soul with their battle axes and fiery arrows; I see your steadfast love and kindness in your words of comfort and continual presence; I see your goodness and faithfulness in keeping your promise to hold me in the palm of your hand and never let go. Wow. Even as I write, I remember more and more that I have to thank you for. THANK YOU!!
I'd have to say the biggest thing of all of those thankworthy deeds you have done, it would have to be the day you saved my life. You remember that, I know! I was sentenced to death, and rightfully so. I'm ashamed to think of what I did... so many things, most of which I'd hate to admit... But when I was to die, you stepped up and took my place. Yes-- you died in my place, thereby clearing me from the punishment of my sin and washing my sin away. Then-- oh, this is the best part!!-- you came alive again and gave me new life-- because you are not just like any other person. You are GOD. And because you are God, death couldn't possibly keep you in its chains. You arose a Victor, and I arose with you.
It is for all this and more that I thank you. I know that this was supposed to be a "thank you NOTE" and it turned out to be more of a letter, but how can even a blogpost of this length sufficiently thank you for all you've done?? You are so wonderful and so good and so great that if I had all eternity to thank you, it would never be enough.
Thank you again, dearest Friend! I love you, Jesus!
Love from your ransomed,
"We love Him because He first loved us."
Saturday, January 8, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 7
- FOOD. Neither could you. (Sorry, I had to put that one first for effect. ;-) )
- GOD. And for more than one reason too. Think about it.
- He created me. Nothing exists without some intelligent mind outside of itself coming up with the idea and creating it. I honestly couldn't live unless God created and sustained me.
- He loves me. He is love. If He was not, I would be gone a long time ago. In His patience and goodness, He grants me life and forgiveness when I don't deserve it.
- He saved me. He granted me His Holy Spirit. This gives me peace and strength in the trials of life, hope of a future with Him, joy in His amazing unconditional love. "I could not do without Thee, O Savior of the lost." <3
- FAMILY IN CHRIST. That includes my immediate family and those related not by blood but by Spirit. We all need that encouragement we receive from brothers and sisters in Christ... insights others have had in their walk with the Lord, guidance from more mature Christians, encouragement during difficult times, and just the same love for Jesus Christ and the common factor of being sinners saved by the amazing grace of God. I am so glad God did not leave us alone in our walk with Him but has surrounded us with people taking the same narrow way.
- COLOR. I love color. More and more I love it. I am so glad we don't live in a monochromatic world or one of those sci-fi places where everything is white. I love blue, green, pink, orange, yellow, silver, gold, maroon, aqua, lavender, brown, turquoise.... <3 <3 <3
- WRITING. Whether it be on computer, or pencil and paper, or slate, or just in my own mind. If I didn't have some avenue for my passion for writing and creating , I'm not sure what I would do. ;-)
Friday, January 7, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 6
Goodness. You might have asked me on a day I was feeling sentimental, and I've been trying not to be lately. :-) I guess right now I am of the mind that each day God gives us is precious, but once it is passed, it is passed, and we have a new day to live and to use as best we can for God's glory... that we can look back on memories but not let ourselves be stuck in them. While I greatly dislike fluffy nostalgic songs, I do tend to live in my memories, and the last year or two have had their harder moments of seeing childhood flitting away and the memories of it slipping farther and farther into the past. I am just recently getting to the point where I can accept the fact that I am growing up, I am where God has put me, and it's best for me to embrace the moment and move forward for God, while still appreciating the special moments He's given me in the past.
That said, I can't really think of a particular occasion I'd wish to relive, and I'd better not think about it too hard or I'll get myself depressed. :-) But I am thinking of some more general moments that I wished at the time that I could capture and wrap up and carry in my pocket to relive now and then. Moments like...
...standing on the beach with the wind blowing in my face and the waves crashing up onto the beach with a mighty boom...
...sitting with my feet hanging over the rocky ledge at Sunset Park, watching the sun sink into the calm waters of Lake Erie...
...climbing up Windlass Hill and being nearly blown away at the top by the strong Nebraska winds...
...walking in the woods when the sun was just at the right angle to light it up and cast golden patches everywhere...
...walking in bare feet with my buddies or my little friends, around the lawn at church, breathing in the warm summer air and just enjoying friendship...
...oh no. I'd better stop there. :-)
Well, lest I bore you any further with my ramblings about sentiment and memories, I'd better close up shop on my computer, read another chapter in my new volume of C. S. Lewis's nonfiction works, and then get to bed. I'm trying to get into the happen of getting to bed early and waking up early. Not sure if it'll work, but it's worth a try. ;-)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 5
Listen, folks. I collect quotes. It's a hobby. I must have at least 500 quotes in my One Note quote collection. Anyway, here's just a sampler:
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
30-Day Challenge, Day 4
Well, most everyone who knows me well knows that, in general, I hate TV shows. They're so repetitive and end up being such nonsense (I think). Therefore, if there is a TV show I remotely like, it would have to be called my favorite because I don't like any others. :-)
Granted, I don't mind the Andy Griffith show or Storm Stories, if they're playing, and now and then I'll sit and watch one of those old shows from the 50s or 60s. But I wouldn't say I like them especially. One show, however, that I've recently been introduced to and like very much is...

Emergency! was a very popular show when my mom and dad were growing up, and both of them watched it on the opposite ends of the country. It's no wonder they were so popular. They're packed with action, and Johnny Gage (played by Randolph Mantooth) and Roy DeSoto (played by Kevin Tighe) are downright cool. :-P
Actually, I think the reason why I like Emergency! would be the close connection it has with my family. The show ch

The episodes I've seen so far are very exciting. The characters deal with emergencies from house fires to California forest fires, from broken limbs to heart attacks, from car crashes to caving tunnels. They keep you on the edge of your seat, and what's nice is, at least in the early ones, is that you don't have to worry about seeing graphic details of the injuries. The only thing that bugs me is a negative comment in one of the episodes, where the doctor mentions "helping God to make up his mind" or something like that... an all-too-common attitude among doctors, I'm afraid. Oh, another thing that bugs me is Dixie's false eyelashes and Hollywood-influenced nurse outfit, but that's just because I think it looks really stupid. ;-)
But overall, it's actually a show I pretty much enjoy and I look forward to seeing more. I only wish I was familiar with them a couple months ago when Daddy got to meet Randolph Mantooth at a symposium. Lucky. :-P